About Us
The USC NAI Theater Workshop supports south LA students’ study of literature through the performing arts.
The workshop seeks to go beyond the limits of a traditional classroom to inspire a love of literature and learning.
The Theater Workshop students bring productions of classical works by Shakespeare, Moliere, Dickens and Austen to audiences of their peers and community at both USC and their home school. The Theater Workshop has attracted media coverage from USC and has brought attention to NAI’s inspiring work in the neighborhoods of South Los Angeles.
The Theater Workshop works with the USC Neighborhood Academic initiative (https://communities.usc.edu/college-access/nai/) to make college a reality for students, NAI provides rigorous academic support, family and community resources and enrichment opportunities, of which the Theater Workshop is one.
Jacqueline Jean Barrios and Paul David Story
USC NAI Theater Workshop Directors
University of Southern California
Neighborhood Academic Initiative
661 W. Jefferson Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90007
Phone: 213-743-1591
Fax: 213-743-1642