This drama is one of the great comedy plays by William Shakespeare. The play revolves around two pairs of lovers, Beatrice and Benedick and Claudio and Hero. The main plot of the play revolves around obstacles to the union of the two young lovers - Claudio and Hero. The love-hate relationship of Beatrice and Benedick features the "merry war" of the sexes. Benedick thinks he hates Beatrice but really loves her and Beatrice who thinks she hates Benedick but really loves him..
Tech Lead/Lights - Emanuel Marquez
Tech Sound - Mariano Hernandez
Fundraising Coordinator - Jesus Garcia
Stage Crew - Mauricio Garcia, Adrian Perez, Quynton Pledger,
Stage Manager - Mauricio Garcia, Kenia Coyoy
Costume - Diana Serano, Javier Elias, Kimberly Mejia
Beatrice - Lundyn Lightburn/Kimberly Mejia
Benedick - Javier Elias/Christian Pablo
Don Pedro - Nicholas Cortez
Borachio - Paul Espinoza
Claudio - Mauricio Garcia / Bryan Garcia
Leonato - Jonathan Cameros
Conrade - Emely Rosales
Lady Joan - Lilly - Kate Diaz/ Julissa Garcia